All Classes

Skeletal implementation of DungeonSign.
Checks for whether a block may be broken.
Stores the pre-set breaking rules.
A sign that performs a specific action every time it is triggered.
A GameRule where the value is a Collection.
A functional interface to deserialize a raw value read from a configuration.
Copies an object.
Fired when the plugin is reloaded with /dxl reload.
A DungeonSign that changes its state when triggered.
A dungeon consists of floors and settings including its game rules.
Wrapper for a mob spawned in a dungeon.
Fired when a DungeonMob dies.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL mobs.
Fired when a spawned entity is registered as a DungeonMob.
Class that manages initialization of several registries.
The API main interface.
Interface for all dungeon signs.
Represents a player in an edit instance.
Fired when a player starts editing a dungeon map.
Superclass for events involving EditPlayers.
Fired when a player stops editing a dungeon map.
A raw resource world instance to edit the dungeon map.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL edit instances.
Fired after a dungeon world is generated.
Fired when an edit world is saved.
Fired when an edit world is unloaded.
Other plugins / libraries that can handle and spawn mobs.
Handles the rules of playing in a dungeon.
A game goal defines what the players have to do in order to finish the game.
Determines the behavior of the game goal and which settings apply to it.
Represents a player in a game dungeon instance.
Fired when a player dies in a dungeon.
Superclass for events involving GamePlayers.
Fired when a player finishs a game.
Represents a game rule for a Game.
A container for GameRules.
A playable resource instance.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL game instances.
Fired when the game starts, that means when all players have triggered the ready sign.
Represents a player anywhere on the server.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL players.
Fired when a player gets his Rewards after finishing a game.
Implement and register in order to track a group.
Fired when a group collects a reward.
Fired when a group is created explicitly or implicitly.
The reason why the group is created.
Fired when a group is disbanded.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL groups.
Fired when a group finishs a Dungeon, which means the end floor of a dungeon.
Fired when a group finishs a dungeon floor.
Fired when a player joins a DungeonsXL group.
Fired when a player leaves a group.
Fired when a group scores a point.
Fired when a group starts playing a floor.
Represents a player in an instance.
Super interface for worlds that are instantiated by DungeonsXL.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL instances.
Fired after an instance world is unloaded.
Fired when an instance is unloaded.
MapGameRule<TK,​TV,​V extends Map<TK,​TV>>
A GameRule where the value is a Map.
A sign that does not do anything on its own.
Represents a class and a class script.
Represents a group of players provided by DungeonsXL.
Links different color types together.
Something a player needs to fulfill in order to be allowed to start the game (= trigger a ready sign).
Fired when it is checked if a player fulfills a Requirement realized through the Requirement API.
Fired when a Requirement is demanded from a player.
Superclass for events involving Requirements.
A stored world that can be instantiated as an EditWorld or as a GameWorld.
Superclass for events involving DungeonsXL resource worlds.
Fired when a ResourceWorld is instantiated.
Something players are given when they successfully finish a Dungeon.
A sign that has a deactivated and an activated state and can switch between these two.
A sign with an attached task that does actions in a set interval Windup.n times, like a mob sign that spawns Windup.n mobs.